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Sage 50cloud bank accounts have disappeared

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 09:31
The bank accounts appear to have disappeared.
They aren't showing in the bank section.
When a nominal activity report is run it returns no transactions for any period.

We have tried re-indexing the transactions which seems to have reduced the number of errors but there the bank accounts are still missing. It runs for about 35 minutes then closes the program...

Re: Sage 50cloud bank accounts have disappeared

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 09:57
by brucedenney
If you have an error or more then the problem is almost certainly the data error.

The way the sage database works is as a linked list, each transaction points to the previous and the next. When you get errors it is normally one of these that has broken. Data repairs work by going through the database in both directions to fix these issues. If you get 2 breaks then a big chunk gets lost.

Using Sage50 when you have errors is playing Russian roulette with your data. It sounds to me like the gun went off and your data is toast.

If you have a backup from before the issue, then it might be possible to do a data repair.

If you don't have a backup then you are in a big hole, as you might not be able to recover the accounts.