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SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

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SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by mc-3d » 13 Jan 2011, 15:26


We have a Sage 50 Accounts installed on a windows XP Professional computer installed locally with the company data folder mapped to a drive on our server.

Everything has been working fine until this morning when the accounts user enters her logon details in the logon screen after the initial sage splash screen pops up. the details are entered and user clicks OK, the logon window and the splash screen disappear and then nothing.

Have done a system restore to last week when everything was working fine, this didn't work, have checked security permissions to the mapped drive, these are all OK. Have checked google and cannot find a solution, please can anyone help.

I have checked task manager to see what processes are running when sage starts, sg50launcher.exe and sbddesktop.exe are running but these both close soon after clicking OK on the log on screen.

Have tried entering the wrong user information and get error message telling me the wrong user information has been entered so I know it is accessing the data on the network drive

If anyone can help you would have one thankfull IT rep



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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by harkerhill » 14 Jan 2011, 15:56

I have exactly the same problem Sage 50 V17. I select company, type username and password for user and it just bombs out and closes.

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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by brucedenney » 17 Jan 2011, 18:31

It could be an issue with crypto keys...

Is there a "longer than usual delay" before the log on screen appears?

1/ Try deleting the crypto keys in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys

2/ Try, un-installing and then reinstalling.

3/ Try un-installing cleaning up all the remnants, C:\program Files\Common Files there are several Sage folders, the Program Files\Sage Folder the Application Data folder for Sage and then reinstalling

4/ Try un-installing Sage and .net, rebooting and then reinstalling from Sage CD

You could skip 2 and 3 and just go for it.
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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by jeff leach » 27 Feb 2011, 23:46

I have the same problem as well with Sage 50 Version 17.

Initially the error was the splash screen vanishing. There is a supposed fix on the Sage download site as this is a known problem, although for me has only happened in the last few days.
Downloading the SBD patch has resulting in the log on to go one step further and into the box to select which company and user. It then goes blank.
I don't understand about the reply about deleting the crypto keys....they seem to be system files??

It seems to me that some sort of Sage update has happened in the last few days that has caused this to happen as it is not only my machine it is happening to.
I have emailed Sage but I am not holding my breath.

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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by brucedenney » 28 Feb 2011, 17:12

The Crypto keys issue is slightly different

If you leave it for at the log on screen for ages and ages, eventually the log on screen appears, but the usernames and passwords don't work. Only delete the keys is this is the case and yes, they are system files, so you might prefer to rename them and I wouldn't do it if you have an encrypted files on your file system

You should be on the latest build before posting to this forum anyway.

My advice is to do a clean reinstall.
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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by iStevie » 03 Sep 2014, 07:24

I am having the same problem at the moment with installing Sage 50 Accounts Professional 2015 and bringing my data across from v2013.

The data will convert 'successfully' and yet when i open the sage application, login as Manager or any other user will FULL privileges, on pressing OK the system just crashes out and closes straight away. However, i have noticed if you repeat but login with a user that only has Partial access privileges, the system logs in and presents the data without a problem. If you then go File > Log off and attempt to log back in straight away with MANAGER user, it works fine and brings up the full system. If you close the program and log back in with Manager, the same issue presents itself.

I tried a complete uninstall by using uninstall and then removing the ProgramData 'Sage' directory and the Program Files (x86) Sage Directory also and then reinstalling v2015 from scratch - this made no difference and i still had the same issue.

I uninstalling .net and Sage and repeating the install - same issue.

I tried to install Sage 2015 on a standalone machine as a clean install, set-up a new company and restore the v2013 data backup file - again it converts the data 'successfully' but the same problem exists with logging on with Manager user.

I tried accessing the data in v2013, removing all users and removing the manager password, taking a backup and using that backup to restore on a v2015 sage installation - same issue exists.

I am therefore working on the assumption now that it is unlikely to be a software program issue but perhaps an issue with the Data conversion? (there are no Errors when using CheckData either before backing up in v2013 or after converting data in v2015).

Any thoughts or other suggestions as to what could be causing this problem?

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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by iStevie » 03 Sep 2014, 08:48

Update: Sage have confirmed the issue is likely with the Data conversion process and have accepted the data in for conversion by their data repair team which they are confident will solve the issue.
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Re: SAge 50 Accounts closes after log on details are entered

Post by brucedenney » 03 Sep 2014, 09:36

Backup first.

Go to the ACCDATA directory and try deleting all the MANAGER.* files
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